
Learn English Grammar with this English Grammar Quiz! Go to work or Go to the work?

Master English Grammar!
Quiz #11 – Go to work or Go to the work?

This grammar point is hard for non-native English speakers... Can you get 7 points?


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#1. I have to go to _____ today. I need some money.

We use the bank because bank is a singular countable noun.

#2. I usually go to _____ on Sunday mornings.

We use to church because church is an institution.
If we are talking about church as a building, then we can say the church.

#3. Do you often go to _____ on Saturday nights?

We use the movie theater because a theater is a singular countable noun.

#4. What time do you usually finish _____ on Fridays?

We use work without the because work is an uncountable abstract concept.
If you are talking about a specific job, then we can say the work.

#5. "Where are you going?"

Go to bed is an idiom which means to prepare for sleep. The is unnecessary in this case.

#6. "Where's Daniel?"

We use the bathroom because bathroom is a singular countable noun.

#7. Jill wants to study engineering at _____.

We don’t use the with college because college is an institution.



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