
Learn new idioms and improve your English speaking ability by taking this short idiom quiz!

Master English Idioms – Idiom Quiz #2

Idioms are hard to understand for non-native English speakers. Learn new idioms and improve your English speaking ability by taking this short idiom quiz!


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#1. Cathy: "What are you going to do with your birthday money?"
Lacey: "Save it for a rainy day."

What does save for a rainy day mean?

If I say I’m “saving for a rainy day,” I’m saving money for later.

#2. Jerry: "Do you wanna go see a movie tonight?"
Sue: "I'm kinda busy, can I take a raincheck?"

What does take a raincheck mean?

If I say, “I’ll take a raincheck.” it means that I want to postpone a plan.

#3. Husband: "We're having a baby!"
Wife: "I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag yet!"

What does let the cat out of the bag mean?

If someone lets the cat out of the bag they give away a secret.

#4. Jill: "Let's go to the park."
Trevor: "Are you kidding!? It's raining cats and dogs!"

What does raining cats and dogs mean?

If I say, “It’s raining cats and dogs” I mean that it’s raining really hard.

#5. I wanna buy new car, but it costs an arm and a leg!

What does cost an arm and a leg mean?

What does it mean if something costs an arm and a leg?

#6. Tracy: "I can't understand this math homework."
John: "It's not rocket science Tracy!"

What does it's not rocket science mean?

If someone says, “It’s not rocket science” they mean that it’s not difficult.

#7. Terry: "Does your husband ever give you flowers?"
Karen: "Once in a blue moon he does."

What does once in a blue moon mean?

If something happens once in a blue moon, that means it happens very rarely.


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