#1. I locked my keys in my car... I really screwed up this time!
What does screw up mean?
Meaning: If you screwed up, it means that you made a mistake.

#2. Betty: "I just passed my college entrance exam!"
Jonathan: "Was it difficult?"
Betty: "Nah, piece of cake!"
What does piece of cake mean?
Meaning: If something is a piece of cake, that means that it’s easy.

#3. Mary: "You should get rid of that old hat, it's ugly!"
Fiona: "I can't get rid of it! My dad gave it to me."
What does get rid of mean?
Meaning: To get rid of something means to throw something away.
This can also be used for people.
Example: “I heard they got rid of Tony because he was always late to work.”

#4. Jeremy: "Anthony has been playing in the NBA forever!"
Robert: "Yeah, he should just throw in the towel."
What does throw in the towel mean?
Meaning: If someone throws in the towel, it means they quit.

#5. If you need inspiration on your project, ask Tiffany. She always thinks outside the box.
What does think outside the box mean?
Meaning: To think outside the box means to think differently than other people.

#6. Jackie: "I can't believe I failed my math test again!"
Jan: "You should try to change your habits instead of crying over spilled milk."
What does cry over spilled milk mean?
Meaning: To cry over spilled milk means to be upset about something that has already happened.

#7. Becky: "Did you finish the report yet?"
Tracy: "Not yet, I'm so busy!"
John: "Never mind, I'll just do it myself."
What does never mind mean?
Meaning: We use never mind when we want someone to not worry about something.